Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ENDORSEMENT: Curtis Haring for SLCounty Democratic 2nd Vice Chair

When looking at who to vote for in any election, it is important to look at what the person in that office is responsible for. For instance, someone's tax plan and service helping orphans in Cambodia are irrelevant if they are running for Dog Catcher. Likewise, a plan to rid the streets of problem strays isn't really an issue for candidates for President.

So, let's look at what the 2nd Vice Chair of the Salt Lake County Democratic Party is supposed to do:

D. The County Second Vice Chair shall:
1. Act as the First Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer in the absence of those
2. Occupy the position of First Vice Chair, the Secretary, or Treasurer in the event
of those officers= deaths, resignations, or other disqualifications, until a successor
is elected,
3. Serve as the chair of the Platform Standing Committee,
4. Assist the County Chair with the specific duties of that office.

So, other than being around in case someone dies, the 2nd Vice Chair serves as chair of the platform committee. Fortunately, the party constitution gives us details on what that job entails as well:

D. The Platform Committee shall:
1. Be composed of the Second Vice Chair as chair, at least fifteen (15) members
including: a designee of any Democratic Candidate for County Office, a member
from each caucus of delegates represented at the preceding County Organizing
Convention, each Legislative District Chair or Vice Chair (but not both), and up to
five (5) members of the Central Committee selected by the County Chair who can
provide expert knowledge of the issues addressed by this Standing Committee,
2. Submit the platform or resolutions reports to the County Nominating Convention,
3. Create task forces to study issues for the Party,
4. Compile research on issues for use by candidates for public elected office,
5. Act as advocates for issues endorsed by the Central Committee,
6. Meet with a quorum of ten (10) members it deems necessary preceding the
Nominating Convention.

Given the amount of quality research he did and posted to his blog during the Legislative session, voting for Curtis Haring should be a no-brainer.

However, let's move beyond that, and go to the big picture. Curtis isn't just a candidate with ideas. He has a plan. He has outlined seven areas where the party can, and will with his help, do better. They are:

Goals as Second Vice Chair
The Democratic Message
Early Candidate Recruitment
Informal Meetings
The East/West Divide
Digital Dominance

It is because of this vision that I am proud to endorse Curtis Haring for 2nd Vice Chair of the Salt Lake County Democratic Party.

-Bob Aagard

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