Bob founded Mormons for Dean in 2003, one of the first "public interest" groups founded in support of Howard Dean's 2004 candidacy for President. Since then, he has volunteered for many races, including those for Peter Corroon (Salt Lake County Mayor 2004, 2008; Governor 2010), and Pete Ashdown (Senate 2006). Bob founded Mormons for Obama in 2007, and worked for the Utah Democratic Party in 2007-2008.

In 2011, Bob saw the injustice of HB 477, which was the much disliked bill that harmed Utah citizens' ability to access government records through GRAMA. He organized the first anti-HB477 rally at the Capitol within 48 hours (before the Governor signed the bill), and was one of the founders of the SAVE GRAMA PIC that lead the initiative drive to reverse the bill. Shortly after the initiative drive started, the Legislature reversed the law in a special session, something they rarely do. Because of his efforts, he was named an OpenGov Champion by the Sunlight Foundation based in Washington DC.
Bob recently relocated to Farmington, and is looking forward to helping get Democrats elected in his new home.
Other Highlights:
-blogger, "The World, According to Me" since 2001
-Precinct 4007 Chair, 2004-2012
-District 36 Vice Chair, 2006
-Salt Lake County delegate- 2004-2011
-State Delegate 2004-2011
-candidate, Salt Lake County Party Secretary, 2005
-candidate, Obama national delegate, 2008
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