Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Taking away the rights of the people

According to the Senate Site, the following is included in SB 156:

(1) A political party may elect to include a provision in its bylaws that permits the political party to submit the names of two recommended candidates for the office of United States Senator to those members of the Legislature that are members of the political party.

(2) The provision in the political party's bylaws may permit those members of the Legislature that are members of the political party to select, by a majority vote, one of the two candidates submitted under Subsection (1) to be the party's candidate for the office of United States Senator.

So, they would allow a party to have the LEGISLATURE elect the candidate instead of the PEOPLE.

Why? Republicans don't trust people.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that people with emotional issues such as insecurity, prefere to control others... hmmm... What does that tell us about our government?