Picture is from today's Salt Lake Tribune and Pat Bagley.
I have alrady alluded to this here. However, there is now a poll that proves it from Gallup taken 5/22-24 (hat tip: DailyKos):
What one or two issues should be top priorities for the president and Congress to deal with at this time?
Situation in Iraq/war 42
Fuel/oil prices/lack of energy sources/
the energy crisis 29
Immigration/illegal aliens 23
Economy in general 14
Poor health care/hospitals; high cost
of health care 12
Terrorism 4
Education/poor education/access
to education 4
Federal budget deficit/federal debt 3
Unemployment/jobs 3
Taxes 3
Social Security 2
International issues/problems 2
National security 2
Environment/pollution 2
Medicare 2
Foreign aid/focus overseas 2
Poor leadership/corruption/dissatisfaction
with government/Congress/politicians/
candidates 2
Poverty/hunger/homelessness 1
Ethics/moral/religious/family decline;
dishonesty; lack of integrity 1
Natural disaster relief/funding 1
Trade deficit/foreign trade 1
High cost of living/inflation 1
Unifying the country -
Judicial system/courts/laws -
Abortion -
Lack of money -
Gap between rich and poor -
Other 1
No opinion 4
Notice it was the top one or two. Gay people coming to burn your flag rank pretty low on people's priority list. At least not in the top 2.
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