Sunday, September 10, 2006

James Evans Needs to Call the White House

So, I've heard that James Evans wants Salt Lake City to remove Mayor Rocky Anderson's speech from Rockyfest06 from the city's website.

I'd feel that way, too, if President George W Bush's speech at Orrinfest wasn't on the White House's website.

Oh, and annother thing:

I understand there's a debate, and, of course, there should be a debate. I mean, I welcome debate in our society. One of the great things about America is people can go into the public square and express themselves openly without fear of the state. That's what we welcome. In these 2006 campaigns, there will be a lot of debate. There will be people -- good people, decent people, patriotic people -- who say, now is the time to leave Iraq...

How dare Rocky say that! Except it wans't Rocky. Or Wayne Holland, Rob Miller, Jim Matheson, Pete Ashdown, or ant of the liberal media.

It was President George W Bush, in the aforementioned speech.

He just told me, if I didn't end, he's going to make me listen to one of his songs. (Laughter.) Actually, the man has got some talent. (Laughter.) And he's a great songwriter, but not as good a senator...


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