Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm a Human Being, and I'm Mad as Hell

From TPM:

A third political party is emerging in America. Call it the I'm-Mad-As-Hell party.

It's a mistake to see the Mad-As-Hell party as just a right-wing phenomenon - the so-called Tea Partiers now storming the gates of the Republican Party. There are plenty of mad-as-hellers on the left as well - furious at Wall Street, health insurers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and establishment Democrats.

Mad-as-hellers don't trust big government. But they don't trust big business and Wall Street, either. They especially hate it when big government gets together with big business and Wall Street - while at the same time Main Street is in shambles and millions of people are losing their jobs and homes.

First it was TARP, the giant bank bailout that seems to have made Wall Street flush again -- so flush the Street is now distributing giant bonuses as if the crash it brought on never happened.

Then came the stimulus package, replete with earmarked goodies for every corporation big enough to hire a team of Washington lobbyists.

And then it was health care, which to some people looked like a sweetheart deal between government and Big Pharma and big health insurers.

Whenever I go on a rant about Congress or the Legislature screwing us over, my mom just smiles and says "Well, that's just the way it is." And, it will remain that way until we, the people, act.

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