Sunday, December 02, 2007

Obama Utah HQ Open House

Unfortunately, work is going to keep me away, but here are the details:

At long last, we can finally announce our Open House! It will be Saturday, December 8. Doors open at 11 am, and the presentations begin promptly at noon. Volunteers will be asked to arrive at 9 am, if possible. If you would like to volunteer or donate items, you can either contact me by phone or email, or contact Aaron Wiley at 803-0647, and please sign up at the links that are at the bottom of this email.

Here is all the information about how you can help!

Please note - if you want to bring items, please contact Aaron before bringing them, to make sure they are still needed and to take care of any in-kind donation forms that might be needed.

General Office Items Needed

* Computers
* Phones
* Printer
* Fax machine
* UT State Flag

Open House Items Needed

* Helium Tank
* Balloons
* Ribbons for Ballons
* DJ (about 3 1/2 hours of music)
* PA Equipment (might already have, not confirmed)
* Streamers
* Poster boards
* Markers
* Tape
* String
* Signs (professionally printed)
* Food
* Drinks
* Plates, Napkins, Cups, Flatware

8+ Volunteers Needed for the Following Tables

* Press
* Volunteer Sign Up
* Politicians
* Supporter/Materials Table
* Voter Registration (early/mail in)
* RSVP (sign-in)
* Donation
* Obama Gear

At least 3 or 4 Volunteers Needed To Handle Parking/Security

If you want to help, but cannot make it by 9 am, we can still use your assistance. Just let us know how long you will be available for. If you aren't able to volunteer, we hope you'll still come down and enjoy this amazing event with us! And bring your friends!

The address is 1747 South 900 West.

Sign up to attend the Open House here:

Sign up to volunteer here (and don't forget to leave your phone number!):

One last thing - Aaron is trying to make sure he's in contact with any of Utah's active group leaders, to make sure that he reaches all of the volunteers. If you are the "owner" or leader of one of these groups, please let him (or myself) know so we can make sure you're involved!


Misty Fowler
Volunteer, Obama Utah HQ


Anonymous said...

Who in the hell is Aaron Wiley?

Anonymous said...

Why is Obama even waisting money in Utah?