Thursday, March 08, 2007

Celebrity Deathmatch: Rocky vs. Hannity

Remember the MTV Show Celebrity Deathmatch? It was produced with Claymation, and had "celebrities" wrestling each other to the death. All officiated over by Mills Lane. Think Brittney Spears vs. Anna Nicole.

That's kinda what I expect tonight's edition of Hannity and Colmes of FOXNews is going to be like. One of their guests will be Mayor-in-absentia Rocky Anderson. Don't worry, Noone's going to die. Hannity will be in New York, Rocky will actually be in Salt Lake (for once.)

However, Rocky Anderson is going to lose this debate. Let's face it: Hannity's shows are the Harlem Globetrotters of debates/intervies. He doesn't have to follow the rules or play nice. If you don't let him win, he'll get rid of you.

Well, except for when his guest is A. Lucifer Coulter. Then it's more like the Special Olympics: Everyone's a winner.


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