Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A challenge to get out the vote

Municipal Primaries have very anemic voter turnout numbers. In logan, the number was somewhere around 8%.

Municipal general elections aren't much better. The voucher issue will help some this year.

Jay Monson, who is running for the Logan City Council, had a message posted on KVNU's For the People:

We wish to issue a challenge to the citizens of this fine city of Logan and all throughout our valley. Exercising your right to vote is embedded in the very history of this great nation. The voice of the people and their right to be heard gave birth to the USA. Many foreign nations are struggling for that right today. Let us join together as citizens to rekindle the spirit of democracy at the grass-roots level. Become informed and then vote as you see best. Better still, also strongly encourage your neighbors, friends, work associates, those you worship with….all adults, to be registered voters and to VOTE in the final election on Tuesday, November 6th.

Service clubs, Lions, Moose, Rotary, Kiwanis, the League of Women Voters, Schools, Churches, government groups, media workers, please discuss this situation and join in a campaign to encourage voters to participate in this freedom given right to vote. It’s what America is all about. Please let us not take this for granted.

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