Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Senator Buttars to take on War on Christmas

Because the Legislature has nothing else to do during the 45-day legislative session:

Sen. Chris Buttars wants Utah's Legislature to declare its opposition to the "war on Christmas."

The West Jordan Republican is sponsoring a resolution encouraging retailers to embrace Christmas in their promotions rather than the generic "holidays."

"It would encourage the use of 'Merry Christmas,'" Buttars said of the non-binding statement that is still being drafted. "I'm sick of the Christmas wars -- we're a Christian nation and ought to use the word."

Several fellow lawmakers he wouldn't yet name support his effort, added Buttars, who has a long history of championing the socially conservative agenda of the Utah Eagle Forum.

In 2005, right-wing pundit Bill O'Reilly took on the same fight, characterizing the so-called war on Christmas as part of a secular progressive agenda that would open the door to legalized drugs, abortion-on-demand and same-sex marriage.

Actually, Senator Buttars, I celebrate about 5 holidays during the Holiday Season. (Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years' Eve, New Years' Day. Yes, those are all separate holidays in my family)

That's not to mention other holidays that m friends and neighbors may celebrate, including some good Christians (St Stephens Day).

Furthermore, There's not a heck of a lot that's "Christian" about modern Chirstmas celebrations, but more on that later.


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