Thursday, September 03, 2009

Dear LG Bell: Fix Herbert's Mistakes,Please

Dear Lt Governor Bell,

Congratulations on your new job. I hope that you are successful in being a moderating voice in the Executive branch of our government. I realize that you have only been in the job for a few days, but there is a problem that needs to addressed soon.

You see, Political Action Committees (PACs) had to file financial disclosures by this past Monday. I assume most all of them did.

I can only assume this because the website where I can find the information doesn't have it yet. Every PAC I've looked at says "No Reports Have been filed for 2009"

If I had the resources of a newspaper, I could go hang out at your office and get the information I wanted. Like the fact that the Attorney General's PAC has spent a quarter of a million dollars, or that Peter Corroon has raised $40,000 in a PAC that may become his campaign funds if he decides to run for Governor.

The purpose of the disclosures is so that the citizens can have the information. However, it seems like the information is harder for the public to get than it should be in 2009.

-Bob Aagard

[update: I got a response here]

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