Friday, January 22, 2010

SB38 -- Ruining The Purpose of HOV lanes

HOV Lanes should be for 1) Cars with more than one occupant and 2) for Clean fuel cars. And those restrictions should be in place 24/7/365, not just during rush hours, like SB38 would do. From Jesse:

I was perusing through the list of bills filed so far up at the hill and came across SB38, Restrictions on High Occupancy Vehicle Lane. This adopts a practice used in many other states that turns HOV lanes into normal lanes outside of peak traffic hours defined in the bill as 6AM to 9AM and 4PM to 7PM. This would certainly be a welcome change to help lessen congestion outside of the morning and evening commutes.

Traffic Jam at noon, but you've got a nice, open lane of travel unused because you and everyone around you have only one person in your SUV? Tough luck.



Jesse Harris said...

The problem with your reasoning is that it could result in even higher pollution. Is it better to feel good about punishing SUV drivers or up freeway capacity by 15-20% and get a big drop in particulates? I know which side my lungs are on.

Bob said...

Then let's get rid of HOV lanes all together....