Saturday, June 05, 2010

Mike Lee T-Shirt on Sale at KSL.....

This was funny. Thanks to several friends who posted it on Facebook and Twitter.

Mike Lee US Senate Campaign T-Shirt Adult XL. Pocket Constitution included.
Salt Lake City, UT 84121 - Jun 4, 2010
This is a T-shirt that I got at the Utah Republican State Convention. The shirt has "I Like Mike" on the back.

I'm selling this shirt because I stand for principles and I can no longer have "I Like Mike" displayed on my back. I thought I liked Mike. He loves the Constitution. I love the Constitution. He was a true conservative. I am a true conservative. It was something I was looking forward to wearing.

But in the past few weeks, my shirt has come to mean something else. I found out that Mike failed to register as a Lobbyist when he represented his clients in front of Elected Officials. But instead of admitting he was wrong, he blames other people. It sort of reminds me of another Constitutional Lawyer who is now our President.

Then he started attacking his opponent over issues like earmarks, even though he has represented companies that receive federal funds. These attacks came after he threw a fit before the convention when Senator Bennett was attacking him. He is acting like the bully down the street that loves to dish it out, but can't take it when someone does it to him. I'm not sure who Mike Lee really is anymore. Is he truly a Constitutional expert or is he just another lawyer opportunist?

He wants a constitutional amendment for term limits, but he won't self-impose his own limits if he is elected.

He believes in state's rights under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, but he represented EnergySolutions that wants the Federal Government to force Utah to take nuclear waste that we don't want.

This shirt needs to go to a home that believes in hypocrisy in their Senate candidates. They need to lack depth in their political discussions and then be uncompromising in their defense of Mike Lee, even with all the evidence I just presented.

I'm willing to trade for a Bridgewater or Granato XL T-shirt. Since they still have some integrity left in them.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you're buying into all of that stuff? I'm still voting for Mike. I don't see what's shady about what he has done. Besides, for me it's all about who I believe will do what they say they will do. Mike's still that guy for me. Just a passer-by's comment. Best of luck in picking the right guy!

Anonymous said...

I'd comment anonymously if I was dumb enough to fall for Mike's schtick too.