Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Three stories about being financially prudent

Story #1:

So, I read that not only did Mike Lee sell his million dollar house after he was elected because he suddenly realized he would have to live on a Senator's salary for the next six years (you think that would be a consideration when deciding to run), but now it turns out that he is renting a house in the same neighborhood from the guy who bought his house.

No, you would think that if his family couldn't afford the mortgage, they might consider renting in a cheaper part of town.  Or maybe buying a new house in a cheaper part of town.  After all, Mike Lee is bringing home $174,000 a year.  Surely he could afford a home.  Seems like the financially prudent thing to do.  Then again, like I said earlier, it seems like making sure you can live on only $174,000 is something to consider BEFORE running for office.  THAT seems like the financially prudent thing to do.

Story #2

Senator Mike Lee, an expert in living financially prudently, wants to make sure we cut government programs to fund relief efforts in Oklahoma.

You know, cut programs that help people to pay for helping other people.

Heaven forbid we make companies pay their fair share of taxes.  Or the rich. Or, end subsidies for corporations making record profits.

But, that's another story, I guess.

Story #3

Well, really, the story is about how West Valley City Mayor Mike Winder is not seeking re-election.  So, it's like he's turning in his two-weeks notice seven months early.

Mayor Winder says he is leaving not because of all the problems happening in his city, but because he needs a job that pays better. 

Mind you, this is a part-time job that pays $35,000 a year.  He also works as a freelance consultant and has written some books.

Oh, it's a part time job that pays $35,000 a year and likely has great health care and other benefits as well.  

All facts that he knew before he ran for the office.  Or should have known.  Or at least considered.  But, I digress.

It's like having a full-time job that pays $16.83 an hour, or double minimum wage.

I work two jobs -- one full time and one part time, and will probably make $30,000 this year, but with no benefits whatsoever.

Maybe I should be Mayor of West Valley.  Too bad I don't live there.

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