Friday, September 29, 2006

Utah Mitt Romney Daily

I am a frequent reader of Utah Policy Daily. However, it seems like there is one topic that they talk about daily, and it's getting me a little upset.

That topic?

Mitt Romney.

Mr Webb over there seems to have a thing for Mitt. Every single day, there are links to every blog post about Mitt.

Who cares that there are at least to extremely interesting elections here locally between now and when the first people get to vote for Mitt (Novemebr 2006 and next year's Replace Rocky 07, with a possible special congressional election thrown into the mix)?

So, since UPD reads every post that even mentions Mitt, I declare this weekend Mention Mitt Romney Weekend (MMRW).

Every post will mention Mitt in some way, even if it's totally unrealted to the post.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen and amen.

I swear, it's every damn day that Webb (I think it might be his son Golden) links to blog posts about Mitt Romney. It's completely disproportional to all of the other important issues going on in this state that are covered in the Utah blogosphere.

UPD, please stop fantasizing about Romney.